Electrolux Employee Center redesign

UX design
DXC Technology
project type
UX design
project year
ServiceNow, Adobe Illustrator, CSS

Redesign and widget configuration for Electrolux Employee Center.

During my internship at DXC Technology, I had the opportunity to lead a significant project for Electrolux. The primary objective was to implement comprehensive branding on their new Employee Center, ensuring a seamless transition from the existing Service Portal. My role encompassed the end-to-end design process, from initial conceptualization to final deployment, ensuring that all necessary widgets were present and configured correctly to enhance user experience and functionality.


HR and IT personnel
The product
The ServiceNow Employee Center is a centralized online portal that provides employees with easy access to HR/IT services and other essential resources, facilitating efficient self-service and streamlined communication within the organization.
Business goal
Redesigning the existing Employee Center to so that it reflects the company brand identity while ensuring necessary widgets are present and configured to ease the upcoming transition from the current Service Portal.


1 Servicenow and guidelines
I learned the ServiceNow platform to configure and customize the Employee Center, understanding its design limitations. I also studied Electrolux's design guidelines to accurately implement and align branding elements with their corporate identity.
2 Understand the user
I collaborated with Electrolux to conduct user research through surveys, identifying essential widgets and uncovering pain points to ensure the new Employee Center effectively addressed user needs.
3 sketch to mockup
I created sketches and mockups to explore various layouts and color schemes for the Employee Center, aligning them with Electrolux's branding and gathering client feedback for continuous improvement before finalizing the design.
4 implementation
I implemented my designs in the ServiceNow platform using CSS within the ServiceNow portal designer and editor. Some back-end configuration was also required to ensure widget functionality.


Creating pages in the ServiceNow platform comes with constraints such as limited customization options.
The designs were created with the platforms constraints in thorough consideration to ensure smooth implementation.
Electrolux managers had issue with understanding dynamic content by leveraging user-criteria.
I conducted a presentation to help the client understand dynamic content especially in regards to the Content-Experience widget
Electrolux employees use the portal to handle tasks in relation to their role.
Active Items, Recommended and Popular Topics are the most essential widgets to ensure streamlined access and good productivity


old and new
The new Employee Center includes a Content Experience, Popular Topics, Active Items and Recommended widget to enable fast and easy access to essential items and tasks. The color palette is based on Electrolux Design Guidelines and use their traditional Electrolux Blue and White as main colors. To further reflect company identity the custom ElectroluxSans typeface has been incorporated.

The managers at Electrolux were pleased with the results and believe productivity can be raised by the imlementation. This project also serve to ensure a smooth transition from their current Service Portal to Employee Center.